Pulldownit Maya Full Download

Some of the popular projects that have been done with the help of Syflex are Spider man 3, Superman, The Silver Surfer and King Kong. This plugin is available for Maya 2013-2015. Download; Pulldownit. Pulldownit is an awesome dynamic solver used to simulate fractures, shattering and cracking surfaces, collapsing buildings.

NOTE: there is a newer version of Pulldownit with important updates in performance, check it here: Pulldownit for Maya 2020. This new update of the tool has its focus on improving user experience in Maya, especially when working with animated objects in dynamics or when making small changes to scenes already baked. Posted in Download, Maya Plug-ins. Thinkinetic Pulldownit Pro v2.5 For Maya 2010 – 2013 – Win32/Win64. Dark Living – Full Training. Jun 15, 2021 Pulldownit is a dynamics plugin intended for destruction effects as well as massive rigid bodies simulations. By using its technology, digital artists are able to shatter objects in different styles and easily animate the fracture of 3D models. Its core solver handles scenes made of thousands of objects seamlessly. The power of Pulldownit. Check out this free tool for Maya from CG Artist based in Novi Sad, Serbia: Dusan Kovic. Tool also enables users to create quick turntables to present their assets in a nice way with Macbeth charts, chrome and gray spheres. Also there are Depth of field and focusing controls. There are multiple HDRs to choose from and tool allows users to.

Pulldownit Maya Full Download

NOTE: there is a newer version of Pulldownit with important updates in performance, check it here:

This new update of the tool has its focus on improving user experience in Maya, especially when working with animated objects in dynamics or when making small changes to scenes already baked.

For this we introduce a revamped method for animated breakable objects, this new method gets smoother transitions when the object start to fracture. Also Secondary Cracks policy is now applied per fragment, getting main block or animated parts to remain unbroken while smaller fragments split again automatically.

Now is very easy to recompute or reshatter any single fragment, so you can make small changes to baked scenes seamlessly, adding to this the baking of keys is now a background process, modifying simulations is much faster when working on destruction projects.

Several of this new features you can see explained in this nice tutorial by Esteban Cuesta,

And there are other important enhancements like shatter of combined models up to 8 times faster, and a new PDI Cache monitor to watch the state of the cached simulation or clear it if needed, last but not the least quite a few annoying bugs of previous version has been fixed.

Below listed the most relevant highlights in Pulldownit 4.7 for Maya


Shatter New Features

Shatter of combined meshes up to 8x faster, models made of different parts combined together are shattered now much faster, the speed up depends on the tessellation of the original meshes, being up to 8 times faster for hi-poly models.

New ability to reshatter single fragments of baked fracture bodies to any extend, reshatter baked fragments is now an easy action and can be repeated to any extend, besides new shards created will acquire motion of the original fragment in dynamics.

Dynamics New Features

Revamped transition animation-dynamics method for Fracture bodies, animated objects which breaks are now computed more accurately, getting smoother transitions and fine control over how and when the object start to fracture.

New Per Fragment Secondary Cracks policy, secondary cracks are now applied per fragment instead of for the whole object, differentiating in this way the bulk of the object from detached and animated parts and modulating the effect accordingly.

Allow to recompute fragments with baked keys in dynamics, user can recompute motion for already baked rigid bodies or fragments just by setting its activation time.

Speed up baking of simulation keys, baking of simulation keys is now done in a background process, this makes baking of keys much faster, especially noticeable when there are hundreds to thousands of fragments on scene.

UI Enhancements

New Clear PDI Cache UI button, user can now watch the state of the PDI Cache and remove current cached simulation if needed to start computing from scratch without modifying any parameter.

Selected Shatter group is now highlighted before confirming “Undo All Shatter”, this new behaviour gives instant feedback of which fragments are selected before undoing them.

There are a lot of Maya plugins for VFX that can speed up the workflow and help artists and studios create amazing visual effects, that are used in feature films, TV shows, Video games, and commercials.

Today we are going to talk about 12 Maya Plugins for VFX

12-Fracture FX

Fracture FX is the procedural demolition plugin for the Visual Effects (VFX) and the video game industry.

This tool is good for destruction effects for VFX shots, which is what a lot of studios need to work on these types of effects in feature films and tv shows

Fracture FX’s scalable and event-based architecture provides artists with control over destruction simulations, which is necessary because every demolition effect is different and every shot will need custom settings resulting in more control over the process and better shots with fewer man-hours per shot.

Paid: https://www.fracture-fx.com/


Miarmy is a Human Logic Engine plugin that works in Maya for crowd simulation, AI animation, creature physical simulation, and rendering.

Using this plugin you can create all types of simulations, crowds, animals, objects, you name it, your imagination is the limit.

Miarmy has been utilized by many projects globally from films to animations from commercials to Olympic game simulations.

paid/Free : http://www.basefount.com/miarmy.html


RealFlow is a fluid and dynamics simulation tool for visual effects that work with Maya, it was developed by Next Limit Technologies in Madrid, Spain. This stand-alone application can be used for things other than liquids such as granular, viscous, viscoelastic, rigid, elastic materials, soft bodies, and meshes. In 2008, Next Limit Technologies was awarded a Technical Achievement Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for their development of the RealFlow software and its contribution to the production of motion pictures.

It was used by a lot of studios to work on some popular feature films such as 300, the X-men, and The Lord of The Rings just to name a few.

Realflow was also used for video game cinematics such as Ryse: son of Rome, uncharted and God of war as an example.

And of course, we can’t forget commercials because real flow is used a lot in this field.

Pulldownit Maya Full Download

Paid: http://www.nextlimit.com/realflow/realflow-maya/

9-Particle Flocker

Particle Flocker is a nice particle simulation plugin that can be really effective for some of the common behavior of flocks especially in nature like, months, fish, or birds.

During the simulation, Particles will attempt to avoid colliding with one another by keeping a set distance away from neighboring particles.

Particles will attempt to get as near as possible to the center of the flock. This ensures flocks stay together and act as a cohesive group.

Particles attempt to match the velocities of their neighbors by continually comparing their own velocity with that of their neighbors.

This plugin gives the ability to control how the flock of particles move and behave.

Pulldownit Torrent

You can Make particles steer towards a specified target location. Or make them steer away from a specified target location as fast as they can.

There is the ability to Make particles randomly wander around their environment.

Also, you can make particles move along different paths or surfaces, in addition to that, you can also constrain the movement of the particles within a volume shape which will keep the flock from going somewhere that was not intended, and it lets you know approximately the volume they are going to occupy.

Paid: http://www.particleflocker.com/

8-Pull Down It

Pulldownit is a dynamics plugin intended for destruction effects as well as massive rigid body simulations. By using its technology, digital artists are able to shatter objects in different styles and simulate easily the fracture of 3D models. It allows for computing thousands of objects in dynamics in a stable and realistic way.

The technology of fracture inside PullDownIt is great. It allows fracturing of any kind of brittle material like stone, glass, or stucco. By using it, digital artists are able to simulate the collapse of structures or terrain cracking in minutes. Not least, its easy setup and powerful stress tools allow for control in the creation of cracks and drive the simulation to the desired end.

PullDownit catches the geometry from the viewports and computes the final result as animation keys. It allows to reset the simulation and start again as many times as needed also tweaking parameters and resume simulations at any frame, in addition, animated objects and characters are able to interact with the simulated ones.

Paid: https://www.pulldownit.com/productos.php?idcate=3


Massive is a great Maya Plugins for VFX if you want to create crowds, small or large, for your projects – not only as a visual effects artist but also if you work in engineering or architecture. There are few options out there for generating crowds, but Massive is one of the best-known, and it is now fully integrated into Maya.

To create crowd simulations you need to create a terrain places some agents and run the simulation to see some action.

Also, there is a possibility of using lanes to guide to movement of crowds during the simulation.

Paid: http://massivesoftware.com/massive-for-maya.html


KRAKATOA™ is a Volumetric Particle Rendering, Manipulation and Management Toolkit created by Thinkbox.

KRAKATOA was specifically designed to process and render millions and even billions of particles and adapt its memory footprint to the requested rendering features.

Krakatoa is a unique Maya Plugins for VFX because it does deal with a huge number of particles using a single computer which is great for studios that can’t afford expensive hardware.

KRAKATOA is CPU-based, highly optimized for 64-bit computing, heavily multi-threaded, and can be used successfully on most hardware running Windows or Linux operating systems including laptops and render nodes without dedicated high-end graphics accelerators.

Paid: https://www.awsthinkbox.com/krakatoa

5-Golaem Crowd

Golaem gives you the power to quickly populate your scenes with smart and directable digital characters. This is one of the Maya Plugins for VFX that is probably the best option for crowds simulations, it is good for Avoiding repetitive animation tasks, also it helps Generate more variety for more realistic shots.

Golaem crowd simulations were used to work on some of the most popular tv shows such as Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Falling Skies, War, and Peace.

Also feature films such as Independence Day, Dracula Untold, Hercules just to name a few.

Video Game cinematics such as Halo Wars, and War Hammer.

You can populate backgrounds and midgrounds in a very short period of time, which is one of the most important reasons to use crow simulation plugins, since the time and the effort to fill fields with crowds and animate them is going to be enormous.

It also comes with READY-TO-USE ASSETS OR CUSTOM ASSETS which is a nice thing because this will be helpful to generate crowds that can look realistic from a distance.

I think that taking advantage of the Golaem Assets and their set of free characters and motions is a fantastic effort and time saver.

Paid: http://golaem.com/


FumeFx is a powerful fluid dynamics plugin for Maya, designed for simulation and rendering of realistic fire, smoke, explosions, and other gaseous phenomena. It has the ability to capture the subtlety and complexity of fluid gas behavior. It is favored among visual effects artists, game developers, visualization professionals, and anybody else who wants to generate amazing effects.

FumeFx has been used in visual effects for a long period of time and it was used in some of the most popular feature films like a lot of Marvel movies, also DC movies, and others such as Ghost Raider, Star Trek, 2012 to name a few.

Also, it was used to create cinematics for popular video games such as Halo Wars, Starcraft, and Batman Arkham Night to name a few.

Even though it is popular as it was before for the emergence of new powerful plugins and tools also the rise of Houdini but Fumefx is still one of the best Maya Plugins for VFX nonetheless.

Paid : https://www.afterworks.com/FumeFXMaya.asp

3-Ziva VFX

Ziva Dynamics, the developer of Ziva products, was founded in early 2015 by Academy Award-winner James Jacobs and Dr. Barbic.

This tool specializes in advanced muscle simulations, enabling you to have dynamic soft tissue physics in your character renders. With Ziva, you can avoid spending all that time sculpting every little detail of your character’s muscles to try and make them appear as realistic as possible from scene to scene.

This technology is not actually new, it was first developed by Weta Digital to create realistic movements for characters and animals, by going from the inside out creating bones, muscles, and skin. The animators still do the main animation work but the muscle movement underneath the skin happens automatically which makes everything way better.

Paid : https://zivadynamics.com/ziva-vfx

2-Phoenix FD

Pulldownit 4

Phoenix FD is an all-in-one solution for fluid dynamics. It can Simulate fire, smoke, liquids, ocean waves, splashes, spray, mist, and more.

It was built for 3D artists who want to create dynamic effects using quick presets, fast setup, and intuitive controls.

It is good for generating small wisps of smoke and steam and Rendering particles as bubbles, drops, points, or fog.

Pulldownit Maya Full Download

Phoenix Fd was created and is currently developed by Chaos Group, the developers of Vray, one of the most popular render engines.

Phoenix FD is amongst the firstly developed Maya Plugins for VFX, so, it is old compared to Vray of Fumefx. It was introduced I believe ten years ago but is one of the best Maya plugins for VFX with multiple fluid simulation abilities.

Phoenix FD can Simulate highly-realistic and complex vorticity effects with full control over large-scale vortex strength and ultra-fine details and increase resolution without changing simulation shape or behavior. Also, you can Import & export mesh objects and particles to OpenVDB, Alembic, Krakatoa, XMesh, and V-Ray proxy files.

Paid: https://www.chaosgroup.com/phoenix-fd/maya

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Bifröst is a simulation system for high-quality visual effects. You can generate liquid from emitters and have it fall under gravity, interact with colliders to direct the flow and create splashes and use fields to create jets and other effects.

It was about a decade ago that a new fluid simulation tool was introduced to 3D artists worldwide. This was Naiad, from Exotic Matter, and it quickly became a much sought-after solution for large-scale water sims, gaining significant attention through its use by Weta Digital in the 2009 blockbuster Avatar.

Then, in 2012, Exotic Matter was acquired by Autodesk and Naiad became Bifrost within Maya.

Bifrost is probably one of the best Maya Plugins for VFX in the industry because it is powerful and it has proven itself in action with some of the best and most popular feature films.

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