Llama Firearms Serial Numbers

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  2. Llama Firearms Serial Number Lookup
  3. Llama Firearms Serial Numbers Lookup

Llama FIREARMS Since approximately 1927, Spanish law has required that every firearm manufactured in Spain be submitted to the Eibar Proof House for testing prior to being released for sale. The testing includes a detailed visual inspection as well as the firing of one or more overpressure or 'proof' cartridges, followed by further visual.

Llama Firearms Serial Numbers Lookup Free


Llama Firearms Serial Number Lookup

Spanish Blue Steel

Llama means Flame in Spanish, but they used the animal as their logo as well.

Llama is pronounced Yama in Spanish

RK Smith

There is an enormous amount of incorrect information out there about the model numbers on the guns Llama made and I have done my best in identifying them to correct it. This research project has been both a rewarding and frustrating experience. A large number of the guns were in my collection to assist in this endeavor and I think I now have it all as it should be. The years the series of IIIA's were made however is still in question. I want to inform you before you go any further that the designations of series and variation are my designations and not those of Llama. I do it to show that there were major changes made to the guns every few years and there were even variations within those years.
In 2005 Llama closed its doors for the last time due to lack of sales and a bankruptcy. This followed the demise of Astra and Star in about 1997. They simply failed to compete with all of the other gun manufacturers out there, I think due to the bad reputation Spanish guns acquired during the first World War and the restrictions place on them by the Spanish government. Llama also is reported to have made bad guns during the 80's, but to this day I have never found one. During the 80's they went to making the XI-A 9mm P a blow back, I think to cut down on manufacturing costs and that did not help either. Because of the cheap prices Llama's might not have been finished as well as the Colt, but with a bit of work , polishing parts, they work great and I have some early ones that are fantastic.
Gabilondo y Uresti started producing the Radium seven shot 6.35 in 1910. The patent of the 'Radium' was in the name of Don Guillermo Echeverria and of Don Valentin Vallejo. The patent was a weird form of loading the gun by sliding the right grip and inserting the rounds into the butt directly. The one I have seen had Spanish proofs and that is not consistent with there not being a proof house in Ebiar at that time. It also had the encircled EU with a crown which I have never seen before. Production ceased in 1915.

Pic isn't very good but the best I can do at the time

They started making a gun in 1914 based on the Browning 1903 and the modifications of the design by earlier guns like the Astra Victoria 1911 and called it the Ruby. It was a well made gun with fair tolerances, so parts were interchangeable within its own brand. It was the first to have a 9 round magazine because Gabilondo had built it to be used by the Military or Police. At the beginning of WWI Gabilondo presented the gun to France for trials and it was accepted in 1915 with orders for 10,000 a month. The guns were actually purchased by Les Ouvriers Reunies and from there went to the French gvernment. My understanding is that at this time Gabilondo had 5 employees. Four months later orders would be increased to 30,000 a month. This was far more than Gabilando could produce so he contracted with others to produce for him.

Four smaller companies contracted with Gabilondo to produce 5000 pistols a month each and along with the 10,000 he could produce, he was able to fulfill the 30,000 needed. The pistols these 4 companies, Armera Elgoibaressa y Cia, Echealasa y Vincinai y Cia, , Hijos de Angel Echeverria y Cia, produced were not of the Gabilondo quality but were accepted by the French government. All of the guns supplied were blue, 9 shot with checkered wood grips and accompanied by three magazines along with a holster supplied by the French. By the end of the war it is thought that Gabilondo alone produced from 250,000 to 300,000 pistols. Archivo Municipal de Eibar records show that Iraola Salaverria y Cia only produced 10,000 guns total and Hijos de Angel Echeverria y Cia produced 154,000.

The 1914 Ruby in 7.65 - 9 shot with checkered wood grips as made for the French in WWI. There are two variations of this gun, the other one having a different placement of the grips screws. Possibly more but the other one I have seen.

photo of internals

Beristain y Cia of Eibar, between the years of 1916 and 1920 received patents for improvements to the Browning 1910, patent No. 62,004 and No. 67,567. Beristain contracted with Gobilondo to make the gun and production started in 1920. The Logo on the grips is BC not GB for Gregorio Bolumburu as some report it to be. Browning filed a law suit against Beristain for patent infringement but lost the suit in 1925 . Spanish law more or less says if you do not make it in Spain the patent is no good, so Browning lost. Beristain cancelled the contract even though he won. This gun was made in 6.35mm, 7.65mm and .380 acp.

7.65 Bufalo
Gabilondo also made the Bufalo design in a gun he labeled as Manufactured by 'Ruby' Arms Co. I think this was a product of 1927 as it has an A which is rather fancy with a crown above it by the pv proof. On the right side is the serial number and there is an oval with AG in it on the trigger guard. The ovals with letters in them stood for the manufacturer at one time but they were on the left side tang. The right side of the slide also has 'made in Spain' on it so they were made for export to the US or other European countries. There is normally no grip safety on it as the grip safety was a patent of Beristain but this one has it..

This gundoes not have the grip safety and has a serial number lower than any Bufalo I have ever seen making me wonder if it was actually a forerunner to the Bufalo instead of being made afterward. At the time serial numbers were not controlled by the Spanish government so it could have been either way. This gun has no proof marks whatsoever.

This is a Ruby 7 shot 7.65 mm made in 1928 with a B date code. Very similar to the Astra Victoria from earlier years

Ruby Ultra Plus 22 shot. These guns were used by Japanese pilots, Army and Navy and purchased through their 'union'. The union was called Kaikosha for the Army and Suikosha for the Navy. I think this was like a PX for our military as it was on base. They came in semi and full auto. Reported to have been a favorite of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade of the Republican Army. Production ended about 1931

Danton - 7.65mm - 9 shot. Produced from 1925 until 1931. The gun came with and without a grip safety. In a later model it was also in .380acp.

While this gun is nothing more than an Ultra Plus it is marked Danton War Model

Danton War Model

Very rare .45 Ruby. Late 1920 production and was the basis for the later Llama. Not really noticeable is the fact that the grip is extra long to hold a mag capacity of 9. Also made in 9mm. I have read that this gun was also marked Llama but I have never seen proof of that. To my knowledge the model IV was the first to have Llama on it. My gun is only partially reassembled for photo and will be restored. This model was also marketed under the name Inaki.
In 1933 to 1935 Gabilondo made two other groups of pistols called the Tauler and the Mugica that were exported to the rest of the world. Eibar gun dealer Jose Mugica contracted with Gabilondo for guns using his own trade name Mugica as did Tauler who was from Madrid.

Llama Police Model- Manufacture 1933 date code F, blow back operated, cal 7.65 or .380, 7 round mag, barrel 3 '. This is a little known model used by the Spanish Police in .380 if it had a model number it is unknown by anyone. It was also made under the name Tauler from 1933 to 1936. There is a hand drawn picture of the Tauler version in Gene Gangarosa's book on Spanish Handguns on page 180. It resembles the Star model H. This particular gun was not marked Model Police on the right side of the slide. I have seen the Llama and Cal. in three different positions on the slide and the Model Police is usually toward the front. Serial number has been in two different places also. They were not imported into the US and only bring backs are here. No Made in Spain stamped on them. It has no lock back on the slide at all.

I also have a pic of this gun with Tauler on it

During the Spanish Civil war all of the gun makers were within the Republican (Basque) held territory, even Astra who was actually on the side of the Nationalist or on the side with the Catholic Church actually. As a result of this only Astra continued to make guns after that territory was taken over by the Nationalists. After the war confiscated arms were separated as to good or bad and the bad guns were destroyed. At some point after this some guns in need of work were sent to Astra to be refinished, later bought and sold by Interarms which was a CIA cover company. We find a lot of Llamas from the 30's that have their proof marks removed and I feel like this was done in the refinishing. Starting in 1927 Spanish law required them to be there when being made so they were there at least before the war started. Astra, Star and Llama were the only companies allowed to make guns after the war was over and Astra was rewarded by being allowed to refinish them.

During WWII a company named Geco, Gustav Genschow & Co, imported guns from Spain to be sold to Nazi party members and marked their guns with the Geco logo which is a large G with the eco inside it. Unless one of the Llamas has this mark or you have the bring back papers you cannot tell for sure if it was used in Germany during the war or not. Another company did import them but they are not marked in any way. Officers were to furnish their own guns so many Llamas were sold, although I have only seen one large caliber gun with the Geco mark. Most likely there are many out there but this type of gun was never put in German records or marked with Nazi marks. Llama records appear to be non existent on any of the guns they sold or they are being held in seclusion. No one seems to know anything.

I will add here that Spain never bought guns from Llama for any government agency unless it was the Trauler model VI for the Secret Service, that I can find any record of. They were used in trials but never passed the requirements and only Star and Astra were purchased.

Llama Model I - 7.65mm. Production started in 1933 and lasted thru 1954. This model was the first production of the small frame Llamas and was also produced in the name Tauler and Mugica. Blow back operated, 161 mm overall length , 94mm barrel, 9 round magazine. This gun has no grip safety and has a W shaped spring under the left grip to provide a detent spring for the safety and slide release.Grips go all the way up to the slide.

This gun is Geco marked above the trigger. Sometimes the mark is on the left side below the slide release.

Booklet that came with this gun

Llama Model II - .380mm Production started in 1933 and lasted thru 1954.Locked Breech as you can see in the photo below, 161mm overall length, 94mm barrel and 8 round magazine. This gun had a change in the way the safety was made to the same look as the later model I above had. There have been reports that this gun ceased production in 35 because of faults, but it did not. You may also find this gun Marked Super Police on the right side of the slide.

This is another variation of this gun made a few years later with a different shaped beavertail and it is marked with a logo on both the right and left sides of the slide.

Made in 1948


This is the early Llama legend and then changed to the ones below.

Llama III .380 acp - Locked Breech, 166mm overall length. Production lasted through 1954. This model introduced the plunger coil detent spring instead of the W spring. This gun is shown with the wrong type magazine. It should have the same mag as a model II which fits up in the frame The model I, II, and III all have an angled grip on the butt which changed in 1954 to the rounded butt on the model IIIA. This gun has the detent spring in the round tube above the left grip and the grip does not go all the way to the slide as with the model I and II. The gun pictured is an 'Especial' but it was also marked 'Super Police'. Brochure I have from Llama refers to the smaller guns as Officers models.

This logo is said to have been used on the Mexican made Llamas but they were III-A's. Also used by Spain in the early years. The flaming torch is also used in the same type grip.
Llama IIIA series 1 variation 1- 380 acp, Locked breech,161 mm overall length, three vents in the rib, 1955 into 1969. Grips of this type were used on the Especial only and were made of Bakelite not the later plastic. I have seen them in black and a hereford red with black streaks. This model also came with wood checkered grips or the normal cheap plastic grips. At this time I have never understood the meaning of' Especial' in regards to these guns other than a name. The guns not marked 'Especial' are exactly the same, so what was the purpose? It was a ploy used to sell guns. During the Ruby years they made guns using different names on the same gun for that purpose. Hoping to entice someone to buy it because of the different name.
Llama IIIA Series 1 variation 2 came with a solid rib on the slide otherwise it was the same as variation 1.

Box and booklet that goes with this gun

This model was also made in Mexico at “FABRICA DE ARMAS LLAMA” – COLONIA INDUSTRIAL VALLEJO – MEXICO 15, D.F.” where they marked it PISTOLA AUTOMATICA “LLAMA” ESPECIAL CAL 380 along with HECHO EN MEXICO on the bottom of the hammer spring arch. This factory was a subsidiary of Gabilondo y Cia and manufactured the IIIA and XV until 1970. Llama translated to English means Flame which you will notice as a logo in the grips above but in Mexico they used the animal as the logo. My gun had the flaming torch in the Bakelite grips but I have also seen wood checkered grips on one of the guns. There were also engraved guns with pearl grips. In 1970 Mexico made it illegal to own more than one gun and rifles and shot guns were mostly chosen. The ones that were confiscated were sold by the Mexican government to Odin Internastional in W. Virginia. Most Llamas I have seen were in really bad shape and were refinished in the black oxide you see below.

Pic by L Johnson
You can see from the pics of my Mexican made gun it is very similar to the one above in finish which I feel was done by the importer. Both of my guns were finished in this fashion but I have seen them blue as well. Both pair of grips have been over varnished in the same manner as well. My gun does not have the Pistola Automatica above the rest of the legend.

Pic is from their catalog

Llama IIIA- Series 2 variation 1 .380 acp, locked breech, 165mm overall length with two vents in the rib. The rear sight became adjustable with a screw for windage. They had the straight serrations of the earlier series. I do not have this gun at the time to show pics.

Llama IIIA - series 2, variation 2 .380 acp, locked breech, 165mm overall length with two vents in the rib. Made from 70 to about 80. This gun is marked Especial but can be had not marked at all on the right side of the slide. This particular gun has three finishes on it. The top of the slide has been sandblasted (rough)the sides of the slide and frame are polished and the remainder of the frame has been bead blasted(satin). Other guns of this series were polished all over. Hard to tell in the photo but the grips are brown on this series. The serrations on the slide were changed on this variation of the series.

Gold Plated model GIII-A
Llama IIIA series 2, variation 3 .380 acp, locked breech, 165mm overall length with solid rib. Made from 70 to about 78.
Llama IIIA series 3, .380acp, Looks like the gun above but is
blow back operated, black grips and the logo is LLAMA Cal .380
Llama IIIA ,series 4, blow back operated, 162mm overall length with two vents in the rib. Made from 80 to approx 86.
Llama IIIA, series 5, blow back operated, 162mm overall length with no vents in the rib. These are custom grips and they should be like the grips above except for the longer slide release which was introduced on the series above. They are the first guns to be marked with their model number.

Larger photo
Micro Max- This model was the last of the small frame guns. Blow back operated. Made from 1996 to 2005. The removal of the rib and the addition of the round hammer, beaver tail and front sight were the three changes made to the IIIA to make it a Micro. The gun below was made in 2004 as can be noted by the last two digits of what you think is the serial number. Only the five numbers in the middle are the serial.

This Micro Max was made in 1997 and was produced using one of the slides from the previous series and not putting the compound curve at the front. I have seen another like it.

Ecuadorian Air Force Contract Llama .380 Micro Max. It was my understanding that these guns were made in 1997 only, but this one was made in 2001 and is chrome plated. I am thinking that Llama had a slide or more that were over runs and they simply used them on later guns, but have no way of knowing for sure. I have now seen a second one made in 2001.

Ecuador Air force wings

Llama model IV - 9mm largo - 38 acp. With N date code manufactured in 1942. Production of this gun started in 1932 and was an exact copy of the Colt 1911 except it has no grip safety and has a barrel 5 1/2' long, with a 228mm overall length. This was the first of the Llama pistols made and for some reason was later given the designation of model IV. These were not produced for the American market and are not readily found in the USA. I have only seen five of them in the last 15 years.

The gun looks the same as a Model VII Llama Extra except for the lack of the grip safety and the right grip has the extra little curve at the back top
This mark will be found just before the serial number on the older guns and is simply the GC for Gabilondo Y Cia. and is a continuation of the practice of applying a manufacturers mark, first used on the Rubys frame and magazines. If you look at the Ruby, at the beginning, you will see the mark GU for Gabilondo y Uresti which was the name of the company at the time. Some think it stands for Guardia Civil but that is incorrect. Llama never produced weapons for the Guardia Civil in any number as they were not accepted in trials. If it was actually Guardia Civil the proof of the flaming bomb would have an I in it instead of a P. I is for military and the P is commercial sale. The G and C would also be intertwined and have a crown above it without the oval.Llama Model V - 9mm Largo/38 Super, 9mm Parabellum 5 1/8 inch barrel, has no grip safety. This was manufactured for export to the USA market only. I have seen many of these on the auctions mis-labeled as almost ever model they made and for a time I had it labeled as a model IV but found out I was incorrect. Sorry if I have caused confusion. This is one of three large caliber models made with the W detent spring. Internal extractor.

This gun is also a model V made in 9mm P. This gun was made in 1945 and is shown with different grips.

Unusual W detent spring on Model V which is also on the model I, II and one variation of XI.

This is the label on the box for this gun. I always figured the 38 stood for acp rounds like it does on Stars, but this changed my mind. This gun was made for the American market is the reason it was marked for the 38 Super.

This type of grip was used on the model V at one time.
Model VI was made in .380 acp only with a grip safety and I do not have a pic of it. The gun had the locked breech design of the Colt 1911, overall length of 150mm, 80mm barrel and a 6 round magazine. They will usually be found with the marking Super Police on the right of the slide but are also not marked. Not sure any of these guns made it to the USA other than bring backs.I found this pic in my files and I have no idea where it came from. If it has a copyright let me know and I will remove it. It is a Tauler model VI and is exactly what the Llama model VI looks like.

Model VII is chambered in 9mm Largo and marked 9mm /38. Known as a Modelo Extra. The Extra refers to the extra 1/2 inch length of the barrel as it did in the Ruby Extra. I have records of this gun being made as early as 1932 and as late as 1944. Barrel length is 5 1/2' This gun has an internal extractor like the Colt.
and was also made in 9mm P. During WWII England purchased these in 9mm P to be dropped by the SAS to partisans in Poland and other countries.

larger photoLlama Extra 9mm Parabellum
Grips on this gun are not correct. Gun was made aproximatley 1934 according to the serial humber

Llama Extra with factory target sights. The serial number on this gun is 30800 so it was made mid 1930.
I have never seen any information on this pistol and it was quite a surprise. It has no dovetail for the rear sight and both sights are silver soldered on, so it almost has to be Llama made entirely. It came to me directly from Spain via my importer.

Llama model VII Military and Police - 5 1/16' barrel -9mm Largo and 38 acp. This gun appears to be one made the third year they made them, 1934, according to the serial number. Proofs and made in Spain have been wiped in a refinish, along with most of the GC in an oval on the right side of the gun. Pistols collected after the Spanish Civil War were either scrapped or refinished and I suspect the date codes and proofs were ground off. These guns were sold to Interarms in the 60's on an arms deal. This was prior to the 68 GCA so no import marks were required along with the fact that Interarms was a CIA operation. This gun can be found with Especial on the right side of the slide as well as one with no marking on the right or only 9mm Automatic.
I have been given pics of this version of the VII with Llama Extra stamped on the right side of the slide. Obivously a mistake made about 1937-1938 during the Civil War. Serial number being 40120 with no proofs on the frame.

larger photo

Model VIII is chambered for the .38 Super. Early versions of this gun were marked as Military and Police on the right side with 9mm Bergman 38 Super on the front of the slide. The gun looks identical to the model VII in every respect except the caliber markings. The gun shown below has the early slide markings on the left side and was made just before my M&P model VII which has the later slide markings. In actuality there is no difference in the model VII M&P and the VIII M&P except for the markings. As with my model VII this gun was made in 1934.

Caliber is marked on the front of the slide where is says Llama and can be seen in the larger photo

Three vent rib 2nd series

This gun has the 38 super on the right side of the slide above the trigger and 9mm/38 on the left side of the slide

Pics courtesy of Allen Jensen

VIII C/F solid rib 5th series

Tauler model P 9mm Have seen this gun listed as 38 Super
Llama IX The IX was again an exact look alike to the model VII but had a barrel for the 45 cal round.I have only seen one actual IX .45 for sale anywhere and I do not own one to show a pic.

Llama IXA was produced as a replacement for the IX .45cal - large base mag. Three vent first series starting in 1955 and being made thru 1969. This gun was also made with a raised area where the rib is that has lines to deflect glare. It is the height of the raised portion on the XA below. I would not exactly call it a rib because it doesn't appear to be for that purpose.

Model E-IX-A two vent rib second series which started in 1970. The E is for engraved . I think the deep relief engraving was discontinued at this time because it does not show up in my catalog.

Slab sided slide two vent rib third series
Small base mag

Pic to follow

Llama IX-B - .45 Cal. This gun is a Colt Commander size gun with a 4 1/4' barrel. This gun is, satin Chrome and not stainless as most people think they are. Custom 4S Brand grips as normally they would have a funky plastic grip that falls apart in the screw holes. The mags are interchangeable with Colt mags. The C is again for Chrome IX-B. Model C-IX-B

Llama IX C - .45 Cal. This is a full size gun with a double stack 10 round magazine magazine to comply with California law. It could also be purchased with a 13 round magazine

Llama IX D - .45 Cal. This is a Commander size with a double stack magazine.

Llama X - 7.65 blow back, 166mm overall length, no rib on the slide, grip safety, 8 shot magazine, Manufactured thru 1950.

Shown with grips that I think were never used on US imports

Llama XA 7.65 blow back, manufactured in 1951 thru 54 in this configuration with the angled corner on the back of the frame and the magazine up inside the frame. The gun shown is a 1952. I noticed one gun with Z code marking that used a frame with the rounded butt and a slide that had straight lines cut in it on top from front to back which differs from the normal. Also used the later style magazine. I have now seen a 1954 with no rib, the rounded butt frame and large base magazine so it appears that in 1954 they started making the changes.

In 1954 the XA changed to have the rounded back on the frame and grips as well as a magazine that was large base. Both the solid rib and the vent rib were used

Legends on the 1980 and later XA models

Llama model -XI 9mm P. The first design had the W spring detent and possibly came with only lined wood grips as that is the only way I have seen them. The second series had the detent spring tube with coil spring and used the same frame. Unlike the other Llama large frame guns this one is thinner at 3/4' in thickness and is actually comparable to the Star A or B in size. The one directly below is the third series which is wider in the grip area using a modified frame and slide but the same magazine

Early series 1933-?

Second series A*1 date code 1955

There was also a version in 7.65 parabellum made for export to Germany and possibly other countries, but no indication it was ever offered in the USA. It uses the standard third series frame and magazine as the 7.65P round fits perfectly.

Courtesy of Bettina Scharf - Austria

Llama XI A - 9mm P - full size gun with 5' barrel . This gun, manufactured in 1980, is blow back operated. I suppose in an effort to reduce costs they decided not to use the locked breech system found on earlier guns. At the same time they went to the blow back design for the IIIA also.

Llama XI B - 9mm P _ Commander size with 4.340' barrel

Llama XV- .22 cal built on the same frame as the IIIA

Llama XVII- .22 cal called the Executive. Blow back operated, 5 shot mag, 2 3/8' barrel, 4 3/4' overall length, 13 3/4oz. Offered with black or pearl grips in chrome or blue.

Llama XVIII - .25 cal called the Executive. Blow back operated, 5 shot mag, 2 3/8' barrel, 4 3/4' overall length, 13 3/4oz. Offered with black or pearl grips in chrome or blue according to the catalog but this one has white grips.

In 1992 Gabilondo y cia went bankruptand was purchase by the workers forming Fabrinor. During the period of 1992 to 2005 they struggled with a lack of sales causing them to have to take the company public in 2002 to keep the doors open. Finally closing their doors in 2005 because the stock holders did not want to put in more money.

During this period they made a Max I LF with the old 1980's frame and a slide of the Max type and called it the El Militar. Its odd but I suspect they used an in stock frame and slide that were sitting on shelves in an effort to save a few dollars. The frame is numbered in the normal manner for a gun made in 98 and you can see where the old serial number and proof marks were removed. The frame was fitted with all of the Max I components. This is in 38 Super and is only the second I have seen. The front and rear sight are custom Novak and not original to the gun. They also made it with El Soldado stamped on the slide, meaning the Soldier. Could be more of them and more names as well

Max I L/F - Deluxe .45 cal. with a 5.25 inch barrel - Custom 4S grips. Normally they have soft checkered rubber grips that do not last. The LF which stands for long frame came in a variety of finishes, but never Stainless Steel as may be claimed. They came with and without the serrations at the front of the slide. Colt 45 mags work and this one was equipped with a Meggar

Max I Comp 7-.45 cal With 4S walnut grips. Rear sight is adjustable for windage and elevation. Looks to be the same sight used on the Omni 45. 7 round magazine, fully adjustable rear sight and Comp barrel

Max I C/F - .45 cal compact frame 4 .340' barrel, parkerized, blue or tutone satin chrome frame and blue slide

Max II L/F large frame large capacity, parkerized, blue or tutone satin chrome frame and blue slide

MaxII C/F compact frame large capacity, parkerized ,blue or tutone satin chrome frame and blue slide

Max II L/F Comp 10 - .45 cal and fully adjustable rear sights. Wide frame / double stack magazine 13 Rounds. Wonderful trigger straight from the factory

Mini Max - 9mm, .40 cal, .45 cal. Colt Officers size with a 7 shot capacity.
3.50' barrel. Introduced in 1996. Custom 4S Grips and trigger and a full smoothing of the internal parts. It is a wonderful gun that is totally reliable and very accurate.

Mini Max II - Large capacity double stack magazine 10 rounds

Mini Max sub compact - .45 caliber 10 shot double stack magazine

Omni I .45 cal - Omni II single stack mag 9mm 7 round - Omni III double stack mag 9mm 13 round mag. This was the most original and sophisticated Llama ever designed, incorporating such unique features as ball bearings for the hammer pivot, separate draw bars for the single and double action sears, a deeply undercut trigger guard to allow high hand positioning for recoil control, and 'buttressed' rifling, which used a 2-stage 'step-down' from the lands to the grooves, for less bullet deformation and a better gas seal Most of these features have never been found all together in any other single design, and provide this pistol with an extremely smooth and reliable action. The Omni was not a success, primarily because the sophistication of the piece led to production costs, and a retail price, that far exceeded many of its more conventional rivals. The list price of the Omni 9mm in the 1983 Gun Digest was $599.99, at a time when the S&W Model 59 listed for only $371.50.

45 Cal.

Omni III-9mm

Model 82. This pistol was developed by Llama in 1986 and was adopted by the Spanish military in 1988. It is a recoil operated, locked breech semi automatic pistol. It uses a short recoiling barrel with tilting block, barrel-to-slide locking, much like the Walther P38 or Beretta 92. The Llama M82 is hammer fired, double action pistol. Safety is mounted on the slide and when activated, it moves the firing pin out of the reach of the hammer and locks it, then decocks the hammer and also disconnects the trigger bar. The safety does not affect the slide, so it can be cycled and the cartridge chambered with the safety on, but the hammer will not stay in the cocked position. After that, when the safety is disengaged , the gun will be ready to fire the first shot in Double Action. All further shots will be fired in single action mode. If so desired, you can also manually cock the hammer for the first shot, to improve accuracy. The frame and slide of the M82 are made from steel, so the gun is relatively heavy, but strong. The trigger guard is shaped for a better two-hand hold, and the sights are fixed. The double stack magazine holds 15 rounds plus one in the chamber.

Llama model 87 Competition 9mm, 40 SW and 7.65 P. This gun is much the same as the model 82 but, so I am told, was built under contract by Beretta for Llama. It is not a Beretta 92 but a Llama design.

This is a Proof House marking which may look a bit different on later guns.

This is the proof for a Pistol and on a revolver it will be an R. On some guns this may be an I which is for military. On some guns this proof may appear on the left rear of the slide, on the left of the frame or on the barrel in the ejection port. This proof looks like a flaming bomb because it is the firing proof of the gun.

The date proof will be a letter or possibly a letter and a number with an * above it. In this case the O, 1944.

Exploded view of the IIIA, VIII, .IXA, XIA


Date Codes on Llama Pistols

CodeYearCode YearCodeYear
H 1935I11963I21989

Mugica Models vs Llama Models
Mugica Model 101Llama Model X
Mugica Model 101-GLlama Model X-A
Mugica Model 105Llama Model III
Mugica Model 105-GLlama Model III-A
Mugica Model 110Llama Model VII
Mugica Model 110-GLlama Model VIII
Mugica Model 120Llama Model XI

I have other diagrams of some of the guns I cannot use on the site because of copyright infringement. These are detailed drawings produced years ago. E-mail me if you would like to see them.

I have found a gun labeled as a Model I-A on the box, but I can assure you there is no such model and the box is a mis-print. Why this ever got out of the factory is a mystery to everyone.

Data base of serial numbers

If you would like to contribute your model number, serial number and date code to this data base let me know.

I am almost always in the market for these guns so if you have something you want to get rid of let me know. Looking mostly for the model IV, VII, VI and the Ruby 45 even as a parts gun but will consider anything. I am especially interested in the model IX .45 cal and VII 9mm P. All are early guns produced before 1955. I am also interested in guns marked Tauler or Mugica.

Not being especially interested in revolvers I have decided to add another page to cover the Llama revolvers, but like the semi autos I dont trust anything that is out there about them so I will have to collect them also to make sure I have the correct information.

copyright© www.carbinesforcollectors.com

Llama Firearms Serial Numbers Lookup

  1. For example, with a gun serial number of 331-12345, just enter 331. The search 'gun serial number 331' brings up results for the Ruger SR9, which is the gun's correct make and model. For serial numbers with multiple hyphens, you might need to include additional numbers between the first and second hyphen to get the most accurate results.
  2. Llama Extra Once again, as with most old Spanish Steel, we know very little about the Llama (pronounced Yama) 'Extra'. Llama firearms are produced by the firm of Gabilondo y Cia located in Elgoibar, Spain. In 1931 Gabilonda Y Cia decided to do its part in revitalizing the reputation of the lagging Spanish firearms industry.